Written by Margaret Harris
A growth mind-set, which embraces the idea that we can learn new tricks no matter our age, has many benefits for organisations. “Promoting a growth mind-set culture is essential to thrive in today’s fast-paced and uncertain business environment. By implementing targeted strategies, reframing failures for growth and drawing inspiration from successful global examples, workplaces can nurture learning agility, drive innovation and unlock the full potential of their employees.” Says Sayeeda Nabi, student accounts manager at Regent Business School.
She says:
- A growth mind-set is the belief that rather than people having fixed abilities and talents, they can develop new skills;
- The approach can help foster resilience a passion for learning and adaptability;
- Organisations need to adopt a broad approach that encompasses various strategies that encourage learning and reliance, including promoting persistence, embracing experimentation and providing mentorship;
- Failure needs to be reframed as an opportunity to learn rather than be avoided; and
- Continuous feedback and learning allows organisations to employ the full range of intelligence in their teams, creating a more stimulating work environment that attracts and retains employees.