Too often, job descriptions are used only in employment ads and are never discussed again, even though employees’ roles in organisations may change.
“There is no point using it as a recruitment tool, then putting it in a file. It should be used as a growth tool. It’s essential to have conversations for alignment on both sides relating to expectations and delivery.” Says Imizizi co-founders Yolisa Tshabalala and Mponeng Seshea
They advise:
A job description can be used to begin a discussion about an employee’s career;
Individuals need to take responsibility for the scope of their jobs to make sure they do not neglect important tasks mechanical bull;
Job descriptions can provide so much more than just a list of responsibilities. They can include the career growth opportunities; and
Employees who want to advance but have a line manager who does not mentor them can manage the process by understanding all aspects of their jobs and taking the initiative whenever possible